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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2018

MASTERNET - The project changing our life

Hình ảnh
What is Masternet? As one of the projects that have been traded on Stocks.Exchange, Masternet is considered a potential project and is increasingly attracting much attention. Before going to the Masternet concept, it is necessary to understand the definition of Akasic. Akasic Worldwide is a phase that is a cross-organize, cross-stage, combination amd utilization of Blockchain development and man-made thinking (AI) development with incredible advances and features made by a gathering of best pros arranged in Korea. What makes the Akasic global unique?  Akamess:  This can be resolved very quickly by connecting the user interactively, including the multi-channel social networking community that directly integrates the fast support team. You can also exchange resources like money transfers and click encrypted assets a few times. Akatrade:  It helps users trade, trade coins quickly and gain millions of transactions per second. Unblocking allows the user to respond to...

AKASIC NETWORK - World's No.1 Crypto Exchange for Beginners

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What is Akasic Network? Akasic Network is a distributed multi-platform trading platform, which employs blockchain technology and AI artificial intelligence with excellent technology and features. Akasic is developed by a team of leading experts based in Korea. Akasic Network's ecosystem is built around two Android and iOS applications, Akasic Exchange (Akatrade) and Akasic ECO (Akamess, Akastore, Akapay). The strategy of Akasic? To achieve the highest 24h transaction volume, Akasic Network's strategy may be the best service for beginner traders. In addition, blockchain applications are also incorporated into people's daily lives in order to convert more people into start-ups. This is also considered the best strategy because at least 90% of traders are beginners and 90% of the world population has not started their business but they want to participate in the space of electronic money and chain block. . On the other hand, by completely encrypting a message with an en...